HOLA! so I have mentioned briefly in my other posts that I recently ventured to the deepest darkest depths of Peru, haha! I wanted to do a post on this but I had no idea how to cram 2 weeks of mentalness into one blog post so I've decided to just basically insert lots of photos and annotate. Almost like a little travel diary overview of my time in south America! This blog post is a little different so I hope you enjoy! I just also wanted to say that this was kind of a big deal for me, we did a hell of a lot of travelling, we had 8 flights in 2 weeks ( 2 of which were 12+ hours) plus hours and hours of horrendously rocky car and public bus journeys! Flying gets my anxiety going and that was the biggest part that put me off, when my mum planned this trip last year I originally wasn't going to go and was going to stay with family because she knew that It was quite a lot for me. But im so so glad I did go, because even though I hated every single second of the flights, I persevered and its so rewarding ending up somewhere as magical as Machu Picchu and just Peru in general . 'You've got to go through the rain to get to the rainbow'.
very proud of this photo, afterwards the girl on the left wiped her nose on the little goat! |
Damn, that view ! |
This was the amazon, this was amazingly beautiful, we even swam in it although I was later told there were piranha and caimans in the amazon, brilliant;) |
and here is Machu Picchu in all its Peruvian spectacularness, it was honestly breathtaking! |
me being all dramatic on a rock at Machu Picchu |
Me and the famalam, please ignore how gross I look, it really wasn't my finest hour;) |
Lake Titicaca was also beautiful, lolling at the name! |
Dat lake doe |
back in the amazon, we were at an animal conservation place and we were holding hands with the monkeys, they were stunning<3 |
this is one of my favourite photos, its freaking smiling! omg |
I Looked down |
So obviously Machu Picchu is typically what you think of when you say Peru and im not going to lie I didn't really know what this was. I'd seen photos and thought 'meh' but I had no idea what it was or why it was there or what the hell an inka was haha! Machu Picchu isn't like in central Peru either its way out of the way, you have to fly from lima and Cusco and then get a freaking train and a bus just to get there. But to be honest the other option was the Inca trail so I couldn't really moan. When we got there I remember thinking 'damn'. IT WAS SO BUSY. I mean obviously, its a wonder of the world, its going to be busy, but ive been to the pyramids, and chichen itza and all that shizzle but none like this. There was just people everywhere haha, we went up at 5:30am to avoid the crowds, lol that didn't really work:) But yeah we got a tour guide, nice fella called Eduardo, who explained it all, and im really not into boring history type things but ive got to say it has some pretty interesting background, and I now know who the Incas were haha. But eventually we got to the top, the classic machu picchu view. and oh my. It was incredible, it was one of those breathtaking places which kind of makes you wobble, like its definitely one of the best places ive ever been. Despite the amount of tourists it felt like I was in a world of solitude. p.s we also climbed that massive mountain in the background and there's 30% less oxygen at machu picchu so those were dark times for me, haha ;)
One of the downsides ,was me getting ill in the amazon, and I don't mean just like a bit of belly ache, it was full on jungle sickness and I wont go into detail but it wasn't pretty. It definitely didn't ruin Peru for me but it wasn't great trying to enjoy yourself while you're feeling so crap! But yeah the whole holiday was like that, we travelled a lot, so travel sickness happened and also altitude sickness which messes with you so much, so im taking a few days to recover haha! I also learnt that my Spanish is absolutely appalling, I have never done Spanish in school so I don't even know the basics, however I did learn a bit while I was out there. Although I did end up speaking German to a few people, whoops. All in all it is one of the most amazing places ive ever visited, like totally different then anything Ive ever seen and im so glad I went, because I think I would've regretted not taking an opportunity like this, sorry if this post was boring but I really wanted to record my experiences!
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