Thursday, 19 June 2014

Start of Something New? 25 facts about me

just a little hello really:)

okay so yeah i guess im starting a blog, i really hope there is a least one person reading this, (thanks nana) I really want to start blogging just because i love writing and to be honest if i can write about things i love to keep me occupied and people actually read it i will be very happy.

sooooooo yeah, my name is sophie im 16 and i live in England, i am going to try and post as much as i can about literally everything; beauty;fashion;food;life in general, i really hope my posts are enjoyable to read and i will try to make them not too boring, but i thought as this is my first post, a little introduction was in order:)

me demonstrating how to pull an incredibly awkward face
1. I am 16, which is crazy because i swear it was my 12th birthday yesterday
2. my favourite place in the entire world is the beach, i just find it calms me so much

3. my family consists of me:'the middle child' , my older brother Jamie who is 19 and my younger sister Laura who is 14.

4. I have always loved writing books and would love to be a published author one day but i also love fashion and it would be my dream to work in the fashion industry; imagine having your own clothing line;gah!

5. I love music religiously, especially when you find meaningful lyrics in songs, i just love being able to relate songs to situations:)

6. some of my favourite artists are; one direction, 5sos, mayday parade, haim, bastille, ed sheeran, arctic monkeys, the 1975 and kodaline.

7. i have a bucket list longer than my arm.

8. i have a collie-cross called pippin, whos getting on a bit, but has been in my life as long as i can remember.

9. my birthday is april 16th, making me an aries and im pretty much a typical one.

10 . when i get comfortable around you, i am a complete weirdo

11. i currently play guitar, when i say 'play' i can just about muster up the spongebob theme tune

12. i sing all the time but i cant sing in front of people

13. if i overheat in the sun i get kranky, i reckon thats down to me being northen

14. although im used to what i know and love, it would be my dream to live abroad, like in LA.

15. i can knit

16. my hands have to be busy all the time, i cant sit still to save my life.

17. i am a brilliant procrastinator

18. it is like one of my dreams to walk on a red carpet, just once;)

19. i used to cry into a teddy bear when my mum went to aerobics and to this day, it is still soggy.

20. one of my favourite memories is swimming with dolphins on my 10th birthday

21. my favourite animals are probably cats or penguins,its a tie.

22. i hate toes and feet, just ew.

23. my first ever job was in a Thai noodle bar and my current job is in a Chinese restaurant

24. i am 5ft9 and have always been about 6 inches taller than my friends.

25. i have an unhealthy obsession with makeup.

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