So I am a lover of songs with meanings and those lyrics that really get you thinking, recently i stumbled across the words of a wise man named Michael Jackson, "if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, then make a change". its some lyrics from his song 'Man In the Mirror' .It ends with a passionate Michael stating, “Make that change.” It’s a song about how, in order to change the world, you must first change yourself.
So I apologise if this gets deep, I can do that sometimes, I need to try and not go off on a tangent. but all throughout our lives we experience change, whether that be good change or bad change, its inevitable and its necessary, its life. But I am at a point in my life where I am at the grand old age of 16 and I have just finished school and will be starting college in the autumn. Obviously this is quite a leap for me as it is a completely different college, I only know one person going there and apart from that I'm on my own. To be honest its almost as if im leaving one life behind and starting a new one. But I don't necessarily see that as being such a bad thing. I am a pretty average 16 year old teenager with dreams, ambitions and insecurities. My aim this summer is to use Michael jacksons wise words and take a look at myself in the mirror and just think what i can do different. I have a chance to start new when i meet new people, start with a clean slate, therefore i am starting to do things differently. Maybe it is necessary to change myself, not because other people want me to, but because i want me to change, for the better. That's why this summer, im doing things diffently and this is how:
1. Re-decorating
now this sounds a bit drab and not that dramatic, but if you take a look around your room right now, lets not lie its probably messy, god knows mine is! I just feel like mess can distract me and side-track me from things I need to do. I am starting not just to tidy my room but to sort it out, there are a lot of things in my room which hold a lot of memories, not always good ones. so its time for me to be ruthless and sort out the old me from the new me. My Room was decorated probably about 3 years go when I first moved into this house. So I feel like its time to re decorate. Especially as this time I can choose colours and themes that I like and that will reflect my new self. I am going to try my best to keep it simple and not have too much out, I think simple is better.
2. Yoga
okay this one I am very excited to try, because I am one of those people who overthinks way too much. I get stressed out about the smallest things and when life gets too much I feel like its necessary to just step back and take some time out for yourself. Now that school and exams are over, that is one huge stress completely out of the way! However my nana introduced me to the idea of starting yoga as a way of just taking half an hour out of my evening and doing yoga just to relax and chill. So as of yesterday, im going to try and make this a daily thing. All I do is shut my door, turn all of my electricals off, play relaxing music and light some candles. I find that just doing something like this gives me a small amount of time where I can focus on my breathing and really chill out. Its good for you aswell!
3. shopping
so I don't just mean buying some glad rags. The start of college is going to be weird for me because you're allowed to wear anything, which going from wearing a uniform is going to be odd. So I have a job locally and have been saving for a while now for a big shopping trip im going to do in late august. Its basically going to be me buying a whole lot of clothes for college but I just find that buying clothes on mass is a good way to sort of start new. Im very into my fashion etc. so its going to be a good way of reinforcing a 'new me'. by portraying a new image. I've wanted to change up my style for quite a while so im hoping that I can get some good bits and bobs and obviously I will do a hauuuulll!
4. General Wellbeing
this is probably the hardest one im attempting to do, but I am going to try and make the summer a healthy one. Im already two weeks into my summer and have completely failed this one, but as of now, the only person stopping me is myself. As Michael Jackson said, if we want to make a change, we must start with ourselves. Now im already eating alright because im on a 'sort of' diet, im just eating a lot healthier. I am also going to try and visit the gym every day, and every day I don't, I will make up for it by doing a double session the next day. This one isn't too hard as I already go 3 times a week. But I have a holiday soon and I really would like to tone up for it, I also find running quite relaxing. Another part of this is sleep. I am starting to try and get decent bedtimes. I will go to bed at like 1am and not wake up till midday, I just find that I've wasted a whole day, plus im grumpy. Therefore, I am aiming to be ready for bed at half 10 because I just think I will be so much more 'ready for the day' with more sleep and well rested eyes.
So yes there it is. that is my list of things I am starting to do to change, starting with 'the man in the mirror'. Take a look at the lyrics, I find them really meaningful and such. I hope this blog post wasn't too full on, hope you enjoyed , much love!
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