Somehow July is over and I don't entirely know how, also im back from Peru now (more on that later) and I thought I would do a July favourites post. Im trying to make my blog have more of a schedule so I'll be doing posts on Wednesdays and Sundays, just ya'know, throwing that out there. But here are some beauty, skincare and a few random things I've been loving in July!
bourjois colour boost: okay so Im not new to these and have a fair few to say the least but I have found myself reaching for this kind of lip product so so much this month (ie the chubby stick type things). However I have been loving this particular shade 'peach on the beach' which is like the most gorgeous coral colour which comes out so sheer and ugh I just love these in general!

Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm: oh my god this is definitely my most favouritest thing in my favourites, is that even a thing haha. Okay so I have previously had this stuff and absolutely loved it however when it ran out I didn't repurchase it and used my Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser for ages. But somehow this month I repurchased a sample size of it again, I cant even remember how I got this haha. But erhmagehrd this stuff is the most perfect thing ever. Its crazy how little makeup water cleansers take off so I use this after my other cleanser and seeing how much makeup comes off on the flannel is so satisfying., It just feels like its really getting deep down in my pores and giving them a proper clean, yes, definitely need to buy myself a full size version!

Eucerin Dermo Purifyer: I bought this just before I went away as I needed a moisturiser with a decent spf, so after wandering around boots for flipping ages I started talking to a lady (she worked there I promise haha) who was also a dermatologist and I told her that my skin can get quite dry but as I was going away I would be needing something which would protect me from the sun. and she recommended this, the eucerin dermo purifyer, I'd never heard of this brand before but I just yolo'd it and bought the stuff, I think it was around £11, which is a little pricey for a moisturiser but I have been loooooooving it! Its so so important to protect your skin from the sun and especially as I have such pale skin that burns super easy! Its so hydrating and my skin feels so much more moisturised! also its basically the only area of my body that didn't burn so it did its job nicely!:)

una brennan superfacialist pore purifying clay mask: this was actually a cheeky June purchase haha but I'd heard very good things about this brand all over the internet so I decided to buy the clay mask and give it a whirl! I love a good face mask and its slightly ridiculous that I want to do one every day now haha! but I try to use this once a week in my skin routine and I haven't necessarily noticed a difference but boy does it feel good haha! Its one of those amazing masks where you just know its working some kind of skin miracle, it leaves my skin feeling so soft and fresh! Definitely worth the money I have been lurvin this!:)

body shop baked blush '01': This was something I came across recently while sorting through my makeup, and I know this sounds really bad but I had totally forgotten I had this and it was a bit neglected under all my other blushes. However I have been using it a hell of a lot since I rediscovered it and have realised why, this is such an amazing blush! I love how natural it comes out on my skin and the fact that I can use the lighter shade as an almost highlighter kind of thing. P.s ignore the broken packaging that's just typical Sophie breaking it on the day I got it:P
breaking bad (TV show) : So I know this was all the hype last year but my brother got me into this recently and at the start of July I jumped into the hooking world of breaking bad. If you've watched this you will know that it all kick starts very rapidly and the first couple of seasons are very intense. However mid way through I was like 'do I want to carry this on?' I guess I was more busy and I just felt not that into it but my brother said I couldn't just leave it haha. so I carried on watching it and true to his word it all picked up soon enough and I've got to say I have loved it. I don't know what to do with myself now I've finished 5 seasons of breaking bad but I completely didn't think this would be my thing but its just been so addicting and I have reaaaalllyyy loved it and now have a fetish for Aaron Paul haha! If anyone has any really good series to recommend it would be much appreciated. P.s totally didn't realise till about season 2 that Walt is the dad from Malcolm in the middle!
Asos: so I know this is really random but I've recently been obsessed with this shop. Its basically an online clothing store and its been having a 70% off sale this summer. I've just found myself buying so much from it this month, its so amazing, such good prices and I loveeee the stuff they do, I feel like there's something for everyone on Asos because its so big!
X-Ed Sheeran: again this is pretty random but I had to throw this in here, I've been listening to this album non stop this month, I rarely buy albums on iTunes but how could I not, its Ed sheeran. I've always loved his music but this album is beautiful, I really admire singers who write their own stuff and every single song is siiiiiiiiiccck! p.s my favourite's are im a mess and one.
thanks for reading , Sophie:)